한국인 영어 학습자의 관계대명사 사용에 관한 코퍼스 기반 연구
Lee, Kyung Eun and Shin, Jeong-Ah. 2017. A corpus-based study on the use of relative pronouns by Korean learners of English.Korean Journal of English Language and Linguistics 17-4, 817-837. This study examined the use of relative pronouns, who and which (subdivided into restrictive and non-restrictive clauses), by high school learners and college freshman learners of English in Korea in terms of their frequency and errors displayed in their writings. Then, the frequency rates found were compared with those of high school English textbooks. The corpus analyses showed that in writing, high school learners tend to overuse the which-clauses with many grammatical errors in comparison to college freshman learners. However, corpora from both learner groups revealed a significant overuse of restrictive relative clauses compared to the textbook corpus, while their use of non-restrictive relative clauses was rarely shown. These results were discussed in terms of Keenan and Comrie’s (1977) Noun Phrase Accessibility Hierarchy and learners’ avoidance (Kleinmann, 1977)
L2 learner corpus, frequency, errors, relative pronouns, restrictive, non-restrictive참고문헌
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