The Korean Association for the Study of English Language and Linguistics
[ Article ]
Korea Journal of English Language and Linguistics - Vol. 17, No. 4, pp.839-863
ISSN: 1598-1398 (Print)
Print publication date 31 Dec 2017
Received Oct 2017 Revised Nov 2017 Accepted Dec 2017

의사소통중심 영어 교수학습 및 평가 관련 교사 의견 조사 연구

박태준 ; 장재학*
한국교육과정평가원, Tel: 02-3704-3697
강원대학교, Tel: 033-250-6634

Correspondence to: Tel: 02-2260-3167, Email: Contributed by footnote: 논문은 제1저자의 석사학위논문의 자료를 바탕으로 수정 보완하여 작성한 것임


Park, Taejoon and Jaehak Chang. 2017. A study on high school teachers’ opinions about issues of communicative English teaching and assessment.Korean Journal of English Language and Linguistics 17-4, 839-863. This study aimed to seek high school English teachers’opinions on issues related to communicative English teaching and assessment in secondary schools in Korea. For the purpose of this study, in-depth interviews were conducted with 21 high school English teachers from across the country. The results of the current study indicated that national policies related to college entrance have significant implications on English teaching and assessment at the classroom level. This calls for the need to consider changing policies associated with college entrance, given the tremendous effect these policies have on classroom teaching and assessment practices. Another noteworthy point is that implementing ‘direct’ assessment of speaking ability is regarded cumbersome by most English teachers due to various inherent issues associated with direct assessment of students’ speaking ability (e.g., reliability & practicality issues). This study also summarized English teachers' suggestions on how to facilitate communicative language teaching and assessment.


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