글로벌 인재와 영어능력에 관한 담론적 실천과 신자유주의 주체성의 이해
Shin, Dongil. (2018). Understanding discoursive practice and neoliberal subjectivities of global talents and their English language competence. Journal of the English Language and Linguistics 18(3), 349-380. The primary purpose of this study is to understand the discursive practice and neoliberal subjectivities of global talents (human resource) and their English language competence represented in the Korean newspaper reportages. Through Foucault’s (2012, 2015) governmentality and subjectivities, this study illustrated how the rationalization and legitimation of global talent as a neoliberal subject were inextricably related to process of neoliberal knowledge and power production. Drawing on Dean’s (2010) analytics of governmentality, this article traced the genealogy of the global talent discourse in Chosunilbo, Dongailbo, and Kyunghyang Shinmun newspapers by analyzing all the article texts between 1993 and 2016. The genealogy demonstrated the inextricable connection between market-driven rationalities, technologies of control and the (re)construction of global talents under neoliberal governmentality. Since early 2000s, it has been pointed that the complicated discursive practice on competition, neoliberal enterpreneurship, multiculturalism, transnationalism, and global citizenship was extended to reformulate the slippery subjectivities of global talents.
global talent, global human resource, discourse analysis, Foucault, neoliberalism, governmentality, subjectivitiesAcknowledgments
이 논문 또는 저서는 2016년 대한민국 교육부와 한국연구재단의 지원을 받아 수행된 연구임 (NRF-2016S1A5A2A01024156)
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