The Korean Association for the Study of English Language and Linguistics
[ Article ]
Korea Journal of English Language and Linguistics - Vol. 18, No. 4, pp.470-485
ISSN: 1598-1398 (Print)
Print publication date 31 Dec 2018
Received 18 Nov 2018 Revised 14 Dec 2018 Accepted 18 Dec 2018

Effects of Flipped Learning on the Learning of English Vocabulary

Woo Young Kim
Professor, Dept. of English Hansei University Hansei-ro 30, Gunpo-si, Gyeonggi-do 15852, Korea


Kim, Woo Young. 2018. Effects of Flipped Learning on the Learning of English Vocabulary. Korean Journal of English Language and Linguistics 18-4, 470-485. This study is designed to investigate the effects of flipped learning on the Korean university students’ learning of English vocabulary. The study is designed to investigate the effects on the immediate posttest and the delayed posttest. Besides the overall effects, it investigates the effects of flipped learning with respect to the types of vocabulary (i.e., receptive and productive), also through immediate and delayed post-tests. Sixty students who were enrolled a TOEIC class at a Korean university were divided into two groups: experimental group (i.e., the flipped learning group) and the control group (i.e., the traditional learning group with no flipped learning). The students’ pre- and post-test scores were compared and analyzed through the descriptive statistics and the independent sample t-test. The results of the experiment showed that the students’ vocabulary scores improved for the flipped learning group, not for the control group who received the traditional vocabulary treatment, and the effects lasted two weeks after the treatment. In addition, the effects of flipped learning were found, regardless of the types of vocabulary.


flipped learning, teaching method, vocabulary learning, receptive and productive vocabulary


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