한국인 영어 학습자의 영어 자동사구 종결성 해석에 관한 연구 : 전치사 유형을 중심으로
Choi, Jeungin and Kyungchul Chang. 2018. A study of the interpretation of English intransitive verb phrase telicity by Korean English learners: Focus on the types of prepositions. Korean Journal of English Language and Linguistics 18-4, 509-534. This study aims to investigate how native speakers and Korean learners of English interpret English verb phrase telicity, focusing on the types of English prepositions. 91 Korean learners of English and 11 native speakers participated in this study. Experimental tasks were conducted for both native English speakers and Korean learners of English (beginner and advanced). The results of this study showed how Korean learners of English and native speakers differentiate among English intransitive verb phrase telicity according to the prepositional types and indicated that actual (behavioral) interpretations of telicity are meaningfully influenced by the different types of prepositions for both native speakers and Korean learners of English. Especially Korean learners of English who are in the beginner group had more difficulty in acquiring English intransitive verb phrase telicity by bounded prepositions. Also, the result showed how native speakers interpret English verb phrases depending on the types of prepositions in their real life. Discussion of the findings is compared to those of relevant studies for pedagogical implications and directions of further studies.
English prepositions, Korean prepositional particles, mother language transfer, English telicity, Korean telicity, telicity transferAcknowledgments
이 논문은 2018학년도 부산대학교 박사후연수과정 지원사업에 의하여 연구되었음.
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