한국인 영어학습자의 영어 발음 평가 등급에 따른 유음 발화 양상 연구
Kim, Ryeo-Eun and Seok-Chae Rhee. 2019. A study on English liquids in the rated L2 English speech corpus of Korean learners. Korean Journal of English Language and Linguistics 19-1, 53-75. This study investigates Korean learners’ pronunciation of English liquids /r/ and /l/ depending on the phonological context that /r/ or /l/ occurs, and shows the correspondences between the students’ English pronunciation level and accuracy of liquid pronunciation. Words that contain liquids were extracted from the rated Korean spoken English speech corpus and divided into five different phonological environments; word initial, word initial cluster, word medial, word final, word final cluster positions. The pronunciations of the words were evaluated by two Korean and two English raters. The overall results showed similar accuracy rates between /r/ and /l/, but when viewed through the positional categories, more errors of /r/ were made in word initial, word medial position, and word final cluster positions and /l/ in the word-final position. In initial clusters, both liquids were evaluated similarly. Regarding the correspondences between the students’ English pronunciation level and accuracy of liquid pronunciation, learners who were rated as higher level showed higher liquid pronunciation accuracy than those who ranked lower. It could be said, therefore, that there is a significant correlation between the learners’ overall pronunciation level and accuracy rates of liquids.
English liquids, pronunciation, Korean speakers, evaluation, speech corpusAcknowledgments
이 논문은 교신저자가 ETRI위탁과제로 구축한 음성코퍼스를 바탕으로 쓰여진 제1저자의 석사학위논문 중 일부분을 수정 보완한 것임.
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