구글폼을 활용한 초등영어 블렌디드 교수학습 모형의 개발, 적용, 평가 및 개선
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This study aims to develop a blended teaching and learning model for elementary English using Google Forms. It also investigates how learners’ English abilities and affective aspects developed when the model was applied in the classroom. Additionally, it examines how the model was evaluated by elementary teachers and how it can be enhanced. Twenty-six elementary students in a comparison group were taught using the model for six class sessions, while twenty-five students in a control group were taught without the model. Three elementary teachers evaluated the model and made suggestions. The data included (1) students’ surveys, pre-and post-tests, and artifacts, (2) interviews with six students, one native-speaking English teacher, and three elementary teacher-evaluators, (3) teacher-researcher log, and (4) the rubric for the model evaluation. The findings are as follows. First, the model was developed into three stages: pre-lessons (online), while-lessons (classroom), and post-lessons (online). Second, the students in the comparison group showed significant improvement in terms of their test scores in overall English and receptive skills as well as affective aspects. Third, the model was evaluated, and suggestions were made in terms of applicability, appropriateness, and effectiveness. Last, based on the student responses and teacher evaluations, an enhanced model was presented. The study provides an effective blended teaching and learning model for elementary English. Further important pedagogical implications regarding blended learning and teaching in English classrooms are also discussed.
elementary English, google form, blended learning, teaching and learning model, blended teaching and learning modelAcknowledgments
This paper was based on the master’s thesis of Jiyoon Park.
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