실시간 온라인 수업에서 EFL 대학생의 자기 조절에 대한 사회적 실재감과 교수 실재감의 영향
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Self-regulation is an essential ability for learners in an online learning environment to pursue successful and satisfactory learning. The purpose of this study is to identify a way to promote EFL students’ self-regulation in a real-time online college English class. The study examines the effects of social presence and teaching presence on self-regulation and explores how students regulate their learning. After conducting a questionnaire with 171 undergraduates, hierarchical regression analysis and open coding were performed. Social presence was found to affect participants’ self-regulation significantly, and group cohesion was the most influential factor among the sub-categories of social presence. Among the sub-categories of teaching presence, instructor’s facilitating discourse had a significant effect on promoting participants’ self-regulation. Intimate and intensive student-student interaction and instructor’s explicit instruction and constructive feedback helped the participants perceive online learning positively. This study confirms that both social presence and teaching presence are crucial constructs in promoting learners’ self-regulation in an online learning community. Some participants were reluctant to participate in online communication, which led them to be passive in terms of in-class participation and self-regulation. Therefore, it is necessary to alleviate learner’s hesitation regarding online communication and induce their active engagement in learning.
social presence, teaching presence, self-regulation, EFL college students, real-time online classReferences
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