영어와 한국어 원어민 강사의 문화 간 감수성과 외국어 교육 역량에 대한 인식 비교 연구
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The study aims to investigate the perception of intercultural sensitivity and foreign language teaching competencies between native English-speaking teachers and native Korean-speaking teachers. They teach English and Korean at universities and/or university-affiliated lifelong education centers in Korea. The questionnaire survey was conducted online. It was distributed to 220 teachers, and 178 responses were analyzed. Intercultural Sensitivity Scale (ISS) developed by Chen and Starosta (2000) and the items regarding foreign language competencies suggested by Nazarenko (2015) were employed. The results showed that the intercultural sensitivity of native English-speaking teachers was slightly higher than that of native Korean-speaking teachers, with no statistically significant difference. In terms of foreign language teaching competencies, it was found that the self-evaluated level of native English-speaking teachers was higher than that of native Korean-speaking teachers, with a statistically significant difference. A positive correlation of intercultural sensitivity and foreign language teaching competencies was shown in the native speaking teachers in total and native Korean-speaking teachers. Based on the results of the survey, implications were drawn for increasing their intercultural sensitivity and developing the core competencies of foreign language teaching.
intercultural sensitivity, foreign language teaching competencies, native English-speaking teachers, native Korean-speaking teachersAcknowledgments
This paper was based on the doctoral thesis of Jihyae Lee.
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