디지털 학습 환경에서 중학생들의 영어 학습 전략 사용에 관한 연구
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The purpose of the present study is to examine the Korean middle school students’ use of learning strategies in a digital learning environment and to analyze different uses of students’ digital English learning strategies depending on individual learner variables. The participants of the study were four hundred seventy two students in four different middle schools located in Sejong and Chungnam area. A questionnaire was developed to measure the use of middle school students’ digital English learning strategies based on Oxford’s (1990) SILL and Bae and Kim’s (2018) instrument. Data collected from 472 participants were statistically analyzed, and the findings are as follows. First, compensation strategies, cognitive strategies, and memory strategies were the most frequently used category in the order. Second, the results of this study also revealed that females tended to use more digital English learning strategies than males. The learner variables included in this study, English learning experience and digital English learning experience, and the frequency of using digital devices also showed a statistically significant relationship with the students' digital English learning strategy use. On the other hand, it was found that the period of use of digital devices and the use of digital English learning strategies were not positively correlated. In conclusion, it suggests that the absolute amount of digital English learning period does not guarantee the effective use of digital English learning strategies by middle school English learners.
digital learning, learning strategies, digital English learning strategies, middle school studentsAcknowledgments
This study is based on the first author’s master’s thesis.
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