An Exploratory Study of Tasks & Glosses on L2 Academic Vocabulary Learning
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The study studied the effects of task types and gloss languages (L1 vs. L2) on academic vocabulary acquisition of the two proficiency groups (English-major vs. Life-long Education) at both short- and long-term periods. Thirty-eight college students in Korea were randomly assigned to one of the four tasks: A reading task with L2 glosses (Involvement Index 1), a reading task with L2 glosses (Index 1), a gap-filling task with L2 glosses (Index 2), and a gap-filling task with L1 glosses (Index 2). The findings showed that there were non-significant learning gains after treatment except the English-major advanced group. Furthermore, there were no significant differences among the four experimental tasks in both groups. The theoretical and pedagogical discussions were made at the conclusion.
academic vocabulary, task-induced involvement, L1 glosses, L2 glosses, L2 vocabulary, EFL college contextsAcknowledgments
This work was supported by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea and the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2022S1A5A2A01038631).
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