The Korean Association for the Study of English Language and Linguistics
[ Article ]
Korea Journal of English Language and Linguistics - Vol. 23, No. 0, pp.1077-1093
ISSN: 1598-1398 (Print) 2586-7474 (Online)
Print publication date 30 Jan 2023
Received 18 Oct 2023 Revised 04 Nov 2023 Accepted 15 Nov 2023

대학생 영어 능력 평가를 위한 수준설정 사례 연구

이용상 ; 김은주
A case study on standard setting for English proficiency test for university students
Yongsang Lee ; Eun-Ju Kim
(First author) Associate Professor, Dept. of Education, Inha University, Tel: 032-860-7873
(corresponding author) Associate Professor, Dept. of English, Hanyang Women’s University, Tel: 02-2290-2280

© 2023 KASELL All rights reserved
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


This study applied a standard setting method for determining cutoff scores for university students’ English proficiency tests, which are criterion-referenced tests, conducted at universities and explored the application of this approach for enhancing the effectiveness of general English education at different levels. To differentiate students’ proficiency levels, the study used the cutoff scores determined by the Angoff method based on the English proficiency test items used for sub-divisions of general English courses at University A. University A conducts its sub-division classes in three proficiency levels, and, accordingly, this study employed level determination based on the three performance level descriptions(PLD). The results of the Angoff standard setting indicated that, as rounds of discussion progressed, the panel members tended to make decisions in favor of raising the cutoff scores, and the standard deviation of the cutoff scores estimated by the panel members tended to decrease demonstrating a narrowing of opinions among the panel members. However, it was confirmed that the estimation tendencies of specific panel members could influence the overall standard deviation, and, therefore, guidelines are needed to control such bias in future standard settings. The application of the cutoff scores determined through standard setting to assess students' English proficiency levels showed a difference in the distribution of level-based classes from what is currently being conducted at University A. This suggests that, for universities using fixed cutoff scores to divide classes into proficiency levels, the standard setting is necessary to ensure the appropriate division of level-based classes.


Standard setting, criterion-referenced test, university student English proficiency test, performance level description


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