2022 개정 교육과정의 초등영어 단어 소리 분석 : 음절 , 강세 , 자음을 중심으로
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This paper examines the segmental and suprasegmental features of the 800 elementary English words in the 2022 revised national curriculum. The aim is to offer specific guidelines for elementary English education and to propose ideas for future curriculum revisions. The research involved transcribing the 800 headwords for elementary English into the International Phonetic Alphabets based on American English pronunciation and analyzing two suprasegmental features (syllable structure and stress) and two segmental features (onset and coda). Results show that the 800 elementary English words encompass a broad spectrum of sound paradigms, including various syllable structures, manners and points of articulation, and consonant clusters. However, there are limitations in the frequency distributions of certain suprasegmental and segmental features, which may affect young learners’ acquisition of English word sounds. Based on these findings, the paper discusses pedagogical implications for the revision of the basic vocabulary list and the development of elementary English lessons.
2022 revised national curriculum of English, basic vocabulary list, elementary English words, word sound, consonantReferences
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