ATB Extraction in the Box System
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This study critically examines the well-established analyses of across-the-board (ATB) extraction, ranging from movement-based to copy-based to Merge-based approaches, within the framework of the Strong Minimalist Thesis (SMT). Merge, considered the most economical structure building operation, is expected to meet Minimal Yield (MY) by introducing the fewest possible new items into the workspace (WS). Adherence to this principle aligns Merge with SMT, whereas the previous accounts for ATB extraction deviate from MY. Chomsky (2021) provides an account for ATB extraction within the Merge framework while maintaining the segregation of A/A’-movement. However, issues stemming from this segregation lead Chomsky (2023a) to propose the box theory, aiming to eliminate distinctions between A/A’-movement. This study will delve into the box theory, identifying challenges related to ATB extraction. Utilizing precise definitions of eligibility and accessibility, we will argue that the specifier of INFL (SPEC-INFL) remains accessible to phase heads with restriction of Phase Impenetrability Condition (PIC) despite being ineligible for Merge. Additionally, we will incorporate Mizuguchi’s (2019) proposal that posits a phonetically null complementizer forms a composite head with INFL. With these refinements, ATB extraction can be successfully explained within the box system, adhering to SMT. Our analysis aligns with Chomsky’s (2023a) perspective of eliminating successive-cyclic A/A’-movement, effectively eliminating distinctions between A/A’ movement.
across-the-board (ATB), cyclicity, box theory, Merge, Strong Minimalist Thesis (SMT)Acknowledgments
This work was supported by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea and the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF-2022S1A5B5A16050248)
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