한 필리핀 조기유학 귀국자의 삶의 궤적을 중심으로 살펴본 영어 경험과 의미
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This study aimed to determine the diverse meanings of English by examining how a Korean returnee from the Philippines has experienced English throughout her life. Two methods were used to collect the data. First, several face-to-face interviews with the participant were conducted using a narrative interviewing method. All of the conversations were transcribed. Second, the participant provided and explained an illustration she had drawn depicting her experiences. The collected data were subsequently analyzed using a structural analysis method. The findings showed that the participant initially experienced English as a learner, and later as a user after acquiring fluent English. English enabled her to get along with others in the Philippines, but her fluent English made her feel isolated among her Filipino peers at university. Although learning Filipino helped her relationships with other students, English regained prominence when she started to apply for jobs. She was only able to secure jobs that depended on her fluent English proficiency. Eventually, however, she established her own YouTube channel as a means of embodying her identity both as a fluent English speaker and as a Mass Communication graduate. This study sheds light on the meaning of English in a returnee’s life within a broader socio-cultural context by providing an in-depth analysis of the returnee’s life trajectory.
early study-abroad, returnee, English experiences, life trajectory, structural analysisAcknowledgments
본 연구는 제 1저자의 석사학위 논문을 바탕으로 쓰여졌음을 밝혀두는 바이다.
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