Exploring the Nexus of Factors Shaping EFL Learners’ Willingness to Communicate
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In the context of EFL, WTC correlates with cultural identity, personality traits and the language ability of the learners. These factors are addressed in this research through the lens of the MacIntyre Heuristic Model of WTC, with regard to the Indonesian EFL learning environment. Using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), the study explores the moderation role of personality between contextual factors, cultural identity and communicative competence and WTC. The data were received through self-completed validated questionnaires from EFL learners from Muhammadiyah University of Makassar across faculties. The result of the study shows that cultural identity strongly gives an impact on the personality characteristics while at the same time high language proficiency negatively affects WTC although it is expected to have positive effect stressing on the role of anxiety. The study implies that, overall, these difficulties can be managed by encouraging appropriate classroom atmosphere and culturally relevant pedagogy. This research contributes to the understanding of WTC and showed that cultural and psychological aspects deserve further inclusion into the EFL curriculum in order to boost the learners’ communicative competency.
communicative competence, language proficiency, willingness to communicate, EFL learningReferences
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