A Qualitative Analysis of Perceived Ideal L2 Self and L2 (de)Motivation: A Case of Korean Junior College English Major Students
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This paper explores the L2 motivation and demotivation of English major students in a Korean junior college. The participants’ L2 (de)motivation was investigated through one of the constructs of the L2 motivational self system (i.e., the ideal L2 self). Data were collected in two rounds of one-on-one interviews with 59 and 31 students across four school years respectively. A qualitative thematic analysis was conducted to reveal whether the ideal L2 self existed within the learners. Also, the intensity of one’s ideal L2 self was found to be pertinent to self-internalization. That is, it depends on in what way and to what extent the participants recognized their ideal L2 selves and sustained them. Even though this paper focused solely on the L2 (de)motivation and ideal L2 selves of female English majors from a single junior college, it suggests ways to enhance college L2 learners’ L2 motivation by fostering their ideal L2 selves and better supporting their internalization as key pedagogical implications.
L2 (de)motivation, L2 motivational self system, ideal L2 self, college English major students, qualitative analysisAcknowledgments
This paper is based on the author’s doctoral thesis.
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