The Korean Association for the Study of English Language and Linguistics
[ Article ]
Korea Journal of English Language and Linguistics - Vol. 17, No. 4, pp.865-900
ISSN: 1598-1398 (Print)
Print publication date 31 Dec 2017
Received Aug 2017 Revised Nov 2017 Accepted Dec 2017

탈북학생들을 위한 다문화 영어교육 프로그램에 대한 실행연구: 영어 읽기 역량, 자아존중감,그리고 학습 기량을 중심으로

김향숙 ; 안성호
한양대학교, Tel: (02) 2290-1145

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Kim, Hyang-Sook and S.-H. Gyemyong Ahn. 2017. An action research on a multicultural English language program for North Korean refugee students: Focused on English reading competencies, self-esteem, and learning skills.Korean Journal of English Language and Linguistics 17-4, 865-900. This action research designed and implemented a multicultural English language program for North Korean refugee students who were in unequal educational situations in Korean society. More specifically, this study aimed to help five students in an alternative school to improve their reading competencies, their self-esteem, and their skills for self-directed and cooperative learning. To achieve the aims, it conducted the language program for about a year, pursuing to build up a most appropriate curriculum and most supportive learning environments, and to adopt and utilize pedagogical methods and activities that best suit the needs of the student participants. The program evolved in two phases, the Foundation-Building Phase, and the Expansion Phase. The first phase focused on repeated learning, the aspect of self-esteem, etc. to boost up willingness to learn, which is to kick up their intrinsic motivation to improve reading ability and eventually to lead to self-directed learning. The second phase made on-going adjustments of learning activities to provide optimal learning experiences emphasizing cooperative and self-directed learning. Finishing the program, the participants showed significant positive changes in reading competencies, self-esteem, and skills for learning, and importantly the researchers also grew in their educational expertise


North Korean refugee students, action research, self-esteem, cooperative learning, self-directed learning, optimal learning experiences


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