The Korean Association for the Study of English Language and Linguistics
[ Article ]
Korea Journal of English Language and Linguistics - Vol. 18, No. 2, pp.194-218
ISSN: 1598-1398 (Print)
Print publication date 30 Jun 2018
Received 05 Nov 2017 Revised 05 May 2018 Accepted 15 Jun 2018

External Remerge and Parasitic Gap Constructions in English

Jong Un Park ; Myung-Kwan Park
Dept. of English Lang. & Lit. Dongguk University 123 Dongdae-ro, Gyeongju-si Gyeongbuk 38066, Tel: 054) 770-2126
Division of English Dongguk University 30 Pildong-ro 1-gil, Jung-gu Seoul 04620, Tel: 02) 2260-3153


Jong Un Park and Myung-Kwan Park. 2018. External Remerge and Parasitic Gap Constructions in English. Korean Journal of English Language and Linguistics 18-2, 194-218. The goal of this paper is two-folded. First, it aims to provide an argument for the so-called 'non-separate chain approach' to Parasitic Gap constructions (PGCs) in English, by examining the patterns of anaphor reconstruction. Bruening and Khalaf (2017) show that an anaphor can reconstruct to both a parasitic gap (PG) and real gap (RG) position, and we take this finding as compelling evidence in favor of the 'non-separate chain' view. Secondly, this paper presents a derivational analysis of anaphor reconstruction. We argue that the 'symmetric' pattern of anaphor reconstruction can be derived by an External Remerge (ER)-based analysis of the kind suggested in Park et al. (2017). In so doing, we demonstrate that deep island effects, which are originally shown by Chung (2017) to be problematic for de Vries's (2013) ER analysis, can be successfully handled by Park et al.


External Remerge, parasitic gap constructions, anaphor reconstruction, deep island effects, improper movement


We’d like to thank the three anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments on our paper. Of course, all remaining errors are ours


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