Taxonomic Disputes over the Categorical Nature of BECAUSE and Subordinators
Hong, Sungshim, and Joo Hyun Chun. 2018. Taxonomic disputes over the categorical nature of BECAUSE and subordinators. Korean Journal of English Language and Linguistics 18-3, 260-281. This paper aims to clarify the taxonomic confusion regarding a word like because and other subordinators, including or excluding complementizers, and to present additional empirical and structural evidence for Pullum (2009a, 2009b, 2014), Huddleston & Pullum (hereafter H & P, 2005, 2018) in that because is a Preposition, contra all the dictionaries, on-or-off line, and usage books such as Garner (2016), and Fowler’s (2015), and reference and prescriptive grammar books. Gelderen (2013, 2017), on the other hand, has maintained that because, along with all other subordinators, is a complementizer. Furthermore, Haumann (2011) has proposed another functional projection (SubconP), differently from both P and C. If because plus other subordinators belong to a category P as Pullum (2009a: 255-273), and H & P (2005: 129-130, 2018) have argued for, and if subordinators including because are complementizers, as Gelderen (ibid) has argued for, which party is right in this dispute and what are the consequences? This paper, while defending Pullum, and H & P, on the basis of the recapitulation over the grammatical category distinction, clarifies this controversy by (i) providing additional empirical evidences and (ii) presenting the structural details of the subordinate clauses as PP, which Pullum, and H & P have missed out.
taxonomy, conjunction, subordinator, word-class, subconP, TopPAcknowledgments
S. Hong is the 1st author, J. Chun is the corresponding author, and we like to thank three anonymous reviewers for their thorough comments, through which this paper has greatly improved.
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