Effects of Word-Writing in Contextual Word Learning on Korean High School Students’ L2 Vocabulary Learning
While word-writing has been considered an example of rote learning, it is an L2 vocabulary learning strategy still commonly used by learners. As previous studies produced mixed findings regarding its effect on word learning, there is a strong need for more research on the effectiveness of word-writing. The present study aims to examine the short- and long-term effects of word-writing in contextual word learning depending on participants’ proficiency. Twenty-eight Korean high school students learned 12 target words in meaning-inferencing condition and the other 12 words in the word-writing condition. Right after learning the target words, they were given immediate meaning and form recall tests, followed by delayed tests in two weeks. The findings revealed that word-writing resulted in superior immediate meaning and form recall compared to meaning-inferencing, but the effect did not last for the long-term. Also, high-level learners gained more effects of word-writing than low-level learners in the immediate meaning recall test. The study suggests that word-writing in contextual word learning should not be considered an outdated vocabulary learning strategy but be encouraged for young learners to use properly in an L2 classroom.
word writing, meaning inferencing, contextual word learningAcknowledgments
This work was supported by Hankuk University of Foreign Studies Research Fund of 2019.
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Yoo, Suneun, Graduate StudentDepartment of TESOL, Graduate SchoolHankuk University of Foreign Studies107 Imun-ro, Dongdaemun-guSeoul, 02450, KoreaEmail: yex1004@hanmail.net
Yoon, Hyunsook, ProfessorDepartment of English EducationHankuk University of Foreign Studies107 Imun-ro, Dongdaemun-guSeoul, 02450, KoreaPhone: 02-2173-3978Email: hsyoon3@hufs.ac.kr