Coh-Metrix 프로그램을 활용한 2015년 개정 교육과정 중학교 1학년 영어 교과서 비교 분석
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This study aims to analyze the differences among seven first grade middle school English textbooks revised by the 2015 national curriculum using Coh-Metrix, a computer tool that has been widely used for analyzing various types of corpora including textbooks, student essays, and literature works. The Coh-Metrix measures selected for the current study included basic counts (number of words, number of sentences, mean sentence length, mean word length), word frequency, word information (imageability, concreteness, age of acquisition), lexical diversity (type-token ratio for content words), content words (number of nouns, number of verbs, number of adjectives, number of adverbs), personal pronouns (first person pronouns, second person pronouns, third person pronouns), connectives (causal connectives, additive connectives, temporal connectives), standard readability scores (Flesch Reading Ease score, Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level score), syntactic complexity (noun density score, number of words before main verbs), co-reference cohesion (argument overlap for adjacent sentences, argument overlap for all sentences), and semantic similarity (LSA cosine for adjacent sentences, LSA cosine for all sentences) measures. The findings of this study showed that there were differences among seven first grade middle school English textbooks for the majority of the Coh-Metrix measures including basic counts, word frequency, word information, lexical diversity, content words, personal pronouns, connectives, readability, syntactic complexity, co-reference cohesion, and semantic similarity. There were also wide discrepancies in the measures among chapters of each textbook. These results afford several pedagogical and psycholinguistic implications for the development of English textbooks for EFL learners.
Coh-Metrix, corpus analysis, middle school English textbooks, reading materialsReferences
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류지수(Ryu, Jisu), 초빙연구원(Visiting Scholar)다언어다문화연구소(The Konkuk Research Institute for Multilingualism and Multiculturalism)건국대학교(Konkuk University)서울시(Seoul 05029, Korea)광진구 능동로 120(120 Neungdong-ro, Gwangjin-gu)Tel: 02) 450-3356E-mail: ghi03169@gmail.com
전문기(Jeon, Moongee), 교수(Professor)영어영문학과(Dept. of English), 건국대학교(Konkuk University)서울시(Seoul 05029, Korea)광진구 능동로 120(120 Neungdong-ro, Gwangjin-gu)Tel: 02) 450-3356E-mail: mjeon1@konkuk.ac.kr