The Korean Association for the Study of English Language and Linguistics
[ Article ]
Korea Journal of English Language and Linguistics - Vol. 20, No. 1, pp.209-227
ISSN: 1598-1398 (Print)
Print publication date 31 Mar 2020
Received 03 May 2020 Revised 20 May 2020 Accepted 30 Jun 2020

학교 영어교육 내실화에 대한 중·고등학교 교사들의 인식 비교 조사

황종배 ; 김해동 ; 김성혜 ; 민호기**
주저자, 건국대학교
교신저자, 한국외국어대학교
교신저자, 한국교육과정평가원
**공동저자, 한국교육과정평가원
A comparative study of middle and high school English teachers’ perceptions about ways of improving English education in Korean middle and high schools
Hwang, Jong-Bai ; Kim, Hae-Dong ; Kim, Sung Hye ; Min, Hoky**

Copyright 2020 KASELL
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which permits unrestricted, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


The present study, through a survey of Korean middle and high school English teachers, investigates Korean middle and high school English teachers' perceptions of the problems of the improvement of English education, grasps the current state of English language teaching in the school, and discusses short-term and long-term measures to improve English education of middle and high schools in Korea. The study not only examines and analyzes the overall perceptions of Korean English teachers about the problems and current state related to the improvement of English education, but also compares between the two groups of middle school and high school English teachers. A total of 331 English teachers, consisting of 157 middle schools teachers and 174 high schools teachers, participated in the survey. The results of the survey showed that both middle and high school English teachers have a common opinion that students' level differences hinder the improvement of English education, which implies that customized instruction and evaluation by level are necessary. However, the results also revealed significant differences between middle and high school English teachers in their perception about some problems that made it difficult to improve English education in Korea, about the current state of English language teaching in the school, and also about the essential elements for effective communicative teaching of English. These differences signify that more support for communicative English classes are urgent in high schools that focus on preparing for college entrance exams.


improving English education, teachers’ perception, English education policy, middle and high school English teachers


이 논문은 2018년 학교 영어 교육 내실화 방안 연구(한국교육과정평가원 CRC 2018-16)의 설문자료에 바탕을 두었음.


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황종배(Hwang, Jong-Bai), 교수(Professor)건국대학교(Konkuk Univ.)서울시 광진구 능동로 120 (120 Neungdong-ro, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul)Tel: 82-2-450-3344E-mail:

김해동(Kim, Hae-Dong), 교수(Professor)한국외국어대학교(Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies)서울시 동대문구 이문로 107 (107 Imun-ro, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul)Tel: 02-2173-3017E-mail:

김성혜(Kim, Sung-Hye), 연구위원(Senior Researcher)한국교육과정평가원(KICE)충청북도 진천군 덕산면 교학로 8(8 Gyohak-ro, Deoksan-myeon, Jincheon-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do)Tel: 043-931-0425E-mail:

민호기(Min, Hoky), 연구위원(Researcher)한국교육과정평가원(KICE)충청북도 진천군 덕산면 교학로 8(8 Gyohak-ro, Deoksan-myeon, Jincheon-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do)Tel: 043-931-0462E-mail: