Teacher’s Perception on English Curriculum Completion Standards in Korea
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This study explores teachers’ perceptions of curriculum completion standards (CCS) for English subject, including both of attendance rate and a criteria of English subject content completion. A total of 1,059 teachers (elementary school N=602, secondary school N=457) from 17 local provinces participated in this study. For the data collection, stratified random sampling was used as data collection process. For the data analysis, both descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were employed, of which t-tests and chi-square tests were conducted to check for statistical significant difference between the two teacher groups. The results of the current study showed that, though group differences were found in some sub-research questions, teachers in elementary and secondary schools had favorable perceptions on CCS introduction to English subject in Korean educational system.
curriculum completion standards, a criteria of English course completion, elementary and secondary school, attendance rateAcknowledgments
This study is based on Lee, at al (2020)’s research project.
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