Effects of AI Chatbots on EFL Students’ Communication Skills
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The purpose of this study was to examine how AI chatbots affect students’ speaking skills and how they motivate and shape students’ speaking experiences in the EFL classroom. Forty-nine university students who enrolled in a general English course took part in the study. They were divided into two different proficiency levels. The pre- and post-test design compared students’ improvement in English speaking within and between the two levels. The test results indicated that both groups showed significant improvement in the two speaking tasks including read a text aloud and respond to questions. In terms of students’ proficiency between the two levels, there was no significant difference in pronunciation. However, a notable difference in intonation and stress in the read a text aloud task was detected. Also, in terms of the second task: respond to questions, statistical differences were found in all of them. Regarding the fluency between the two levels, a statistical difference was likewise found. In addition, we explored the findings of a questionnaire illustrating students’ perspectives toward using AI chatbots in their English classes. Finally, this study discusses how AI chatbots can help with language learning and how they can be used in EFL settings in the future.
EFL, communication skill, fluency, pronunciation, intonation & stress, WPSAcknowledgments
This paper was supported by Sehan University Research Fund in 2021.
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