AI 활용 영어 교수 및 학습 연구 동향
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This study aims to examine the research trends in AI-based English language teaching and learning using semantic network analysis. For this purpose, data were collected from domestic theses as well as academic journals available on Research Information Sharing Service (RISS). Then keywords from the English abstract of the studies were extracted and analyzed via text mining. The study revealed that (1) both domestic and academic papers have surged since 2019; (2) in the case of domestic academic papers, ‘machine translation’ was ranked higher than ‘chatbot’ in 2016―2018, but in 2019—2021.9, ‘chatbot’ was more frequently mentioned than ‘machine translation’; and (3) 'writing' was the most mentioned language domain in both domestic and academic papers. Pedagogical implications are provided.
AI, English education, research trends, big data analysis, text mining, semantic network analysisAcknowledgments
This work was supported by 2021 research fund of Korea Military Academy.
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