Mapping Speech Act Studies (2000-2020): A Bibliometric Analysis
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This study explores the state of speech act research in the past two decades. It employes a bibliometric method to examine the publication trend, the most frequently discussed topics, the most influential articles, the main publication venues, and distribution among countries/regions in the area of speech act studies. The results show that the annual publications increased dramatically with an upward trend. The results concerning the most frequently addressed topics suggest that speech act study has been a fruitful domain featuring with more interdisciplinary and cross-cultural studies involving with more sociolinguist methodologies, such as discourse completion test, focus group interviews and so on, to do empirical studies. Citation and research areas results indicate that the issues about speech acts explored by most studies are not constrained within linguistics or pragmatics, usually involving multidisciplinary research areas, such as philosophy, computer science, psychology, communication and so on. Results about most productive countries or regions present that most considerable and influential publications still come out of English speaking countries and European countries, while due to the more globalized world and development in international cooperation, more and more publications are coauthored by researchers from different countries and regions, which may further prove the heterogeneous nature of speech act research.
speech act, bibliometric analysis, research trend, research topics, publication venuesAcknowledgments
This study was supported in part by China’s National Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science grant 18BYY126.
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