학습자 자율성에 관한 초등영어교사의 인식 및 수업 실행
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This study aims to draw implications for teacher education by investigating teachers’ perceptions and classroom practices regarding learner autonomy. A survey was conducted with 55 elementary English teachers and 11 of them were interviewed. The findings are as follows: First, for teachers, learner autonomy meant developing motivation, monitoring, confidence, self-evaluation, efficient time allocation, and responsibility for learning. In addition, the teachers indicated that learner autonomy had a positive effect on successful language learning and attitudes toward foreign language learning. Teachers showed the view that although it is desirable for learners to make decisions in selecting learning content and learning methods, it is not feasible to set learning goals and evaluation methods. Also, it was thought that interaction with teachers and peers helped to improve learner autonomy. Second, although many teachers believed that their students were not autonomous enough, they strived to foster learner autonomy in their classrooms. Despite the efforts of the teachers to improve learner autonomy, the reasons for their students’ lack of learner autonomy were classified into learner factors, contextual factors, and teacher factors. Lastly, teachers recognized that learner autonomy would be more necessary in blended classes than in face-to-face classes, and they thought that the use of technology could encourage learner autonomy to some extent. Based on the results, pedagogical implications and future directions for teacher education regarding learner autonomy were suggested.
learner autonomy, elementary English teacher, elementary English learner, elementary English education, second language teacher educationReferences
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