The Korean Association for the Study of English Language and Linguistics
[ Article ]
Korea Journal of English Language and Linguistics - Vol. 22, No. 0, pp.208-228
ISSN: 1598-1398 (Print) 2586-7474 (Online)
Print publication date 31 Jan 2022
Received 12 Jan 2022 Revised 20 Feb 2022 Accepted 27 Feb 2022

고등학교 영어 기초학력 미달에 영향을 미치는 학생 특성 요인: COVID-19 전후 비교

Effect of student characteristics on the high school students’ below-basic achievement level in English: Focusing on the changes after COVID-19 outbreak
In Young Yang
Assistant Professor, Catholic Kwandong University

© 2022 KASELL All rights reserved
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


This study aimed to investigate the effect of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) on the factors predicting the English achievement of Korean high school students in the National Assessment of Educational Achievement(NAEA). Accordingly, this study addressed the following two research questions. First, what are the differences in student characteristics between the below-basic achievement level students and basic-and-above achievement level students before and after the COVID-19 outbreak? Second, what changes have occurred in the factors predicting high school students’ English achievement levels between 2019 and 2020? Altogether Nineteen variables related to family background, daily life, school life, IT use, and cognitive and affective abilities were examined, and t-tests and binary logistic regression analyses were conducted to answer the research questions. The results indicated that students' self-directed learning ability became more important following the COVID-19 outbreak. This suggests that it is necessary to not only manage the quality of the content of online classes and emphasize on digital literacy, but also help students develop their self-directed learning skills, such that they can effectively manage their own learning and use learning strategies.


COVID-19, achievement tests, online distance learning, self-directed learning


This study obtained and analyzed the data from Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation by participating in the research contest on the NAEA in 2021.


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