읽기 문항 유형별 고등학생들의 영어 읽기전략 사용에 대한 연구
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The purpose of the present study is to analyze the patterns of Korean high school students’ use of reading strategies based on the question types for the College Scholastic Ability Test. This study analyzes learners of different reading proficiency levels using different reading strategies according to each of the five different question types. The participants of the study were two hundred eighty six students from third grade in a public girl’s high school located in Daejeon area. The questionnaire examined the correlation between the use of English reading strategies and reading proficiency using 24 questions. Strategies are selected from the Survey of Reading Strategies or SORS of Mokhatari and Sheorey (2002) and the questionnaires of Ikeda and Takeuchi (2000). Data collected from the experiment were statistically analyzed through SPSS(v.26). In order to verify the different use of reading strategies among the students in the three different English reading achievement levels, one-way ANOVA was used to analyze the statistical significance of each of the different groups. The findings are as follows. First, the upper, middle, and lower proficiency groups used different reading strategies for each question type, and the most frequently used reading strategies used by each group were statistically different by each question type. Second, the upper and middle proficiency groups are able to use the appropriate reading strategies depending on each question type. In conclusion, it suggests that understanding the pattern of the use of reading strategies based on the question type and English reading achievement level is not only important in teaching and learning reading but also in having students prepare for their reading test.
reading strategies, reading proficiency, question typeAcknowledgments
This study is based on the first author’s master’s thesis.
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