항공 객실승무원을 위한 ESP 연구 메타분석
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This study analyzes the educational needs for English for Cabin Crew Purposes (ECCP) considering the target learners (cabin crew/students) and the contexts (domestic/overseas contexts). The studies on ECCP were first identified using the article search engine, and the results were screened to find relevant studies for the analysis. As a result, thirty domestic and overseas studies on ECCP, from 2005 to 2021, were text analyzed to understand the educational needs for the cabin crew and students. Through the analysis, the work tasks requiring English education and the areas of learners’ needs were identified. The learners’ needs were divided into three aspects: the language and communication aspect, the teaching and learning aspect, and the management aspect. The work tasks that require English education consist of the needs for handling passengers, flights, services, and public announcements. The language and communication aspect consists of speaking & listening, reading & writing, pronunciation/intonation/stress, vocabulary, and polite & formal expressions. The teaching and learning aspect is comprised of interest & motivation, learning activities, educational materials, and mediums of instruction. The management aspect includes the types of instructors, the teaching hours, and the curriculum. The learners’ needs found in the studies on ECCP vary depending on the target learners and the contexts. The directions for English education and research for cabin crew are suggested based on the results of the current study.
English for Specific Purposes (ESP), English for Cabin Crew Purposes (ECCP), needs analysis, meta-analysisReferences
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