초등 영어 교사의 학습 소외 학생 교수 경험에 관한 내러티브 탐구
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This study aims to investigate an elementary English teacher’s experience in teaching students alienated from English learning based on narrative inquiry. The participant was Teacher A with 14 years of English teaching experience. Six interviews were collected, transcribed, and analyzed qualitatively. It was found that Teacher A’s experience in teaching students alienated from learning was developed into four stages: (1) As a novice English teacher, she considered the students alienated from learning as underachievers (survival and identity). (2) She taught extracurricular classes for the underachievers to improve individual students’ learning and learning environment (challenge and growth). (3) She reflected on her teaching, the curriculum, and the textbooks, considering learner-centered instruction (reflection and awareness). (4) She implemented task-based collaborative project learning (transformation and maturity). Teacher A’s experience showed her concept transformation on alienated learners from underachievers who needed correction to those who had difficulty in peer relationship and collaboration. The findings implied that teachers can facilitate alienated students’ learning through (1) reflection on her teaching and curriculum, (2) transformation of concepts on alienated students, and (3) implementation of the learner-centered and learner-directed collaborative learning. Further important implications regarding teaching English alienated students and English teacher development were discussed.
elementary English education, teacher reflection, learning alienation, underachievers, narrative inquiryAcknowledgments
This paper is based on the first author’s master’s thesis.
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