Remarks on CP Complements to Nouns in English
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This paper proposes an RP-based analysis of the CP complement to nouns. The CP as predicate analysis of Moulton (2015, 2019) is compared to Hankamer and Mikkelson’s (2021, HM) analysis that adopts the division of CP complements to nouns into two types. It is argued that Moulton (2015, 2019) would need extra devices to deal with the two types of CP complements to nouns in English. The proposed analysis of this paper, led by the spirit of HM, is novel in that it captures HM’s division in terms of the well-motivated relator phrase (RP). By adopting RP, we can overcome Moulton’s problems, and dispense with potential problems of HM. RP and CP, as proposed in this paper (Wurmbrand 2021, Lohninger et al. 2022), can be nicely extended to deal with related phenomena of complementation of the factive/emotive verbs and the manner-of-speaking verbs, and recomplementation (or double that) in English.
CP complement, RP, complementation, complementizer, predicate, argumentAcknowledgments
This paper owes a lot to the participants of Dongguk Roundtable on Linguistics meetings during 2019-22. The author appreciates their interest and comment on earlier versions of this work. Anonymous reviewers of Korean Journal of English Language and Linguistics gratefully provided invaluable comments for improvement. This work was supported by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea and the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2019S1A5A2A01036282).
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