유럽공통참조기준(CEFR)과 미국의 외국어 교육과정 검토를 통한 역량 기반 영어과 교육과정의 방향 탐색
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While the 2015 Revised English Curriculum adopted a competency-based curriculum, it has been criticized for its inadequate selection of core competencies and poor integration of the competencies throughout the entire curriculum. In an attempt to find solutions to these problems and thereby enhance a competency-based English curriculum, this study analyzed Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and the foreign language education curriculum in USA, with a particular focus on their goals, contents, performance descriptors, and articulation among them. The results revealed that CEFR and the USA curriculum have the following features in common. First, both curriculums aimed development of diverse competencies beyond communication competency. Second, both curriculums organized communicative activities based on communicative purposes instead of four skills. Third, both curriculums presented contents in a hierarchical and continuous manner: General descriptions of performances became elaborated into concrete indicators and example tasks, and they were presented on a continuum along proficiency levels. Based on the findings, directions for developing a competency-based English curriculum in Korea are suggested.
competency-based English curriculum, 2015 Revised English Curriculum, CEFR, ACTFL performance descriptors, Can-do statements, communication modeReferences
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