의미 중심 읽기 지도법이 중학생 영어 학습자의 읽기 능력과 읽기 태도에 미치는 영향
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The present study investigated the differential effects of form-focused versus meaning-focused reading on the English foreign language (L2) learners’ development of reading comprehension and reading attitudes (e.g., L2 reading enjoyment and confidence). Thirty secondary L2 learners of English participated in the study, who were then randomly assigned to either a 15-week form-focused reading program or meaning-focused reading program (n=15, respectively). A pre-post repeated design was employed; learners’ reading comprehension was assessed using a standardized reading proficiency measure (i.e., TOSEL Junior) and the reading attitudes were measured using a set of questionnaires. The results found a significant development of English reading comprehension and significant increase in L2 reading enjoyment/confidence for the meaning-focused participants while the effect was non-significant for the form-focused participants. The results are then discussed in relation to the nature of reading comprehension and the characteristics of meaning-focused reading, and the participants’ different perceptions of the two reading programs.
meaning-focused reading, form-focused reading, reading comprehension, reading attitudes, L2 reading enjoyment, L2 reading confidenceReferences
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