초등교사 임용시험 2차 영어평가에 대한 수험생들의 인식
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This study aimed to investigate the perceptions of test-takers on English microteaching and English interviews conducted in the second round of the primary school teacher employment examination in Korea. Written interviews were conducted with 11 pre-service teachers who had recently completed all parts of the 2022 employment examination. Results of the interviews are as follows. First, there was a lack of information on the purposes, types, and scoring scales of the English tests owing to which the participants experienced several challenges while preparing for the test. Second, they were disappointed that the test items in the second round were not disclosed. Hence, they encountered inaccurate test items and had no choice but to rely on private tutoring institutes. Third, the participants felt that the validity of the test items was insufficient. For example, in the case of the 10-minute English microteaching, they were instructed to meet five conditions, which was a fairly complex task. Finally, the test-takers perceived a gap between the university curriculum they had learned and the items presented on the two English tests, and this did not accurately reflect the current situation of the school and the school's needs. Based on the above findings, suggestions for the relevant educational institutions and researchers to start in-depth discussions and make the right decisions on the issues identified are offered.
English interview, English microteaching, English test, primary teacher employment examination, test-takersReferences
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