The Korean Association for the Study of English Language and Linguistics
[ Article ]
Korea Journal of English Language and Linguistics - Vol. 22, No. 0, pp.1538-1560
ISSN: 1598-1398 (Print) 2586-7474 (Online)
Print publication date 31 Jan 2022
Received 25 Oct 2022 Revised 03 Dec 2022 Accepted 30 Dec 2022

어휘 과업의 관여 부담이 고등학교 영어 학습자의 어휘 지식 습득과 정의적 영역에 미치는 영향

엄은정 ; 배지영
The impacts of task-induced involvement load on vocabulary acquisition and affective domain of Korean high school students
Eun-Jung Eom ; Jiyoung Bae
(1st author) Teacher, Gongju Keumsung Girls High School, Tel: 041-854-6811
(corresponding author) Professor, Dept. of English Education, Kongju Nat’l Univ., Tel: 041-850-8194

© 2022 KASELL All rights reserved
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This study aimed to investigate how tasks with the different “involvement loads”―various combinations of need, search, and evaluation―affect EFL learners’ vocabulary learning and affective domain. One hundred nine EFL students from Korean high school were divided into three groups, and each group performed different types of vocabulary tasks with different levels of involvement load: reading and comprehension questions with target words which were glossed in a text (Task 1), reading and comprehension questions and filling gaps with target words which were listed with glosses (Task 2) and writing sentences with target words which were listed with glosses (Task 3). Three aspects of vocabulary knowledge(form, meaning and use) were tested through the Active recall test and modified Vocabulary Knowledge Scale test. Further, a closed survey and an open-ended survey were conducted at the beginning and the end of the experiment to measure the effectiveness of tasks related to participants’ affective factors, such as interest, need, and attitude towards vocabulary learning. The results showed that Task 3 (the highest degree of involvement load) was more effective than Task 1 (the lowest degree of involvement load), but Task 2 did not yield retention significantly higher and lower than Task 1 and Task 3 respectively. Thus, the involvement load hypothesis was partially supported. This study offers implications for L2 vocabulary learning through the tasks with a high involvement load such as writing sentences that induce productive use of the vocabulary items in a new context and require high degrees of evaluation, as it is observed in Task 3. The finding of the study suggests that instructors or teachers should offer the opportunity for learners to choose vocabulary tasks based on their own interests in the classroom to draw positive attitude toward learning vocabulary. Such results can be used by vocabulary instructors or teachers of English as a foreign language (EFL) to design effective vocabulary tasks with proper difficulty levels.


involvement load hypothesis, task-induced involvement, incidental vocabulary learning


This study is based on the first author's master's thesis.


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