Clausal Ellipsis and Non-Simultaneous Transfer
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Diverse theories have employed elliptical constructions as testing grounds to investigate the nature of the various postulated components of grammar, including interactions between syntax, phonology, and semantics. We present a unified account of clausal ellipsis for Sluicing and Fragment answers in English, as well as Fragmentary Questions in Korean and Japanese. We propose an assumption as to how it can be implemented in the current syntactic framework. In accordance with Non-Simultaneous Transfer (Felser 2004, Wurmbrand and Bobaljik 2003, Citko 2014, Marušič 2005, 2009), each element contributing to the derivation must be pronounced and interpreted during the different phases. A Non-Simultaneous Transfer system is a plausible explanation for why the locations for transferring resultant items to both interfaces (Sensorimotor system Interface and Conceptual-Intentional Interface) are distinct. This article is an attempt to bring together research on clausal ellipsis and current syntactic theory, specifically Minimalism.
clausal ellipsis, fragmentary answers, sluicing, fragmentary questions, non-simultaneous transfer, minimalism, interfacesAcknowledgments
An earlier version of this paper was presented at 2019 NGC&FLC 3rd Joint Conference and the 2023 spring Conference of KASELL.
This work was supported by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea and the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2020S1A5B5A17090734).
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