Individual Differences as Predictors of L2 writing: L2 Proficiency, Working Memory Capacity, and Explicit Language Aptitude
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Much attention has been paid to the effects of individual differences on L2 learning in recent years, but there is still a lack of studies that directly investigated the roles that more cognitive individual differences play in L2 writing. The present study investigated whether L2 proficiency, working memory capacity (WMC), and explicit language aptitude (ELA) could predict L2 writing, in terms of syntactic complexity, lexical diversity, and accuracy. Because L2 writing requires conscious cognitive effort, the study also sought to find out whether these individual differences could also predict the cognitive load imposed on the learner during L2 writing. Forty-two Korean EFL learners completed a series of an English proficiency test, a writing task, a questionnaire measuring cognitive load, a test of ELA, and a test of WMC. Results revealed that those with greater L2 proficiency and explicit language aptitude perceived the writing task as more difficult and/or stressful. Regarding written performance, higher L2 proficiency was linked to greater accuracy, and higher WMC was associated with greater lexical diversity. These results have implications for our understanding of the cognitive processes and demands of L2 writing.
L2 writing, L2 proficiency, working memory capacity, explicit language aptitudeAcknowledgments
This work was supported by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea and the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2021S1A5B5A16076199).
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