영어 모의 TOEIC 시험의 구인 및 예언타당도 연구
This study aimed to examine the construct and predictive validity of the reading section of a mock TOEIC test designed to measure first-year college students’ general English proficiency. To this aim, the present study utilized a series of confirmatory factor analyses and examined a couple of reading models. The results suggested that L2 learners’ reading ability measured by the mock TOEIC test consists of two constructs: language knowledge and reading skills. Language knowledge involves grammatical knowledge and lexical knowledge. Reading skills are concerned with factual understanding and inferential understanding of written English. The results also showed that the mock TOEIC test has some evidence for predictive validity. Some suggestions for future studies were also made.
TOEIC, reading test, construct validity, predictive validityAcknowledgments
본 논문은 2017년도 강원대학교 대학회계 학술연구조성비로 연구하였음(관리번호-520170311).
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