영어 문답 연습 컴퓨터 프로그램이 중학교 영어 학습자의 성취도 및 오류에 미치는 영향 연구
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This study was planned to explore the effects of a computer program to practice answering English questions on Korean middle school English learners’ performance scores and errors. Including negative questions that Korean students consider most difficult (1,182 questions, more than 8,000 possible answers, and various feedback), five levels of yes-no questions with different verbs were set with 17 stages in total. With a computer expert’s collaboration, the questioning program was carefully developed. The English performance scores of 108 middle school English learners were compared as well as the types and numbers of errors produced while practicing with the program. First, practicing answering English questions using the program seemed to be most effective for the intermediate students; the beginners were also improved while the advanced were not. No gender differences in scores were found. Also, the program was effective for diagnosing the students’ errors. The beginners committed significantly more types of errors more often than the others. A few gender differences in terms of errors were observed. Using a pre-planned, well-designed questioning program with immediate feedback, this study hopes to provide a firm basis for future studies about helping English learners interact with a more advanced computer program. This will also help teachers diagnose their students’ abilities to answer in English effectively and suggest a new way to research on adapting ourselves to new environments caused by the COVID-19.
English questions and answers, computer program, English performance scores, types of errors, immediate feedbackAcknowledgments
This work was supported by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea and the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2017S1A5A2A01027326).
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