The Korean Association for the Study of English Language and Linguistics
[ Article ]
Korea Journal of English Language and Linguistics - Vol. 21, No. 0, pp.1004-1026
ISSN: 1598-1398 (Print) 2586-7474 (Online)
Print publication date 31 Jan 2021
Received 24 Sep 2021 Revised 27 Sep 2021 Accepted 29 Sep 2021

코퍼스 기반 영어 접사의 등급화: 초등영어 교과서를 중심으로

이현우 ; 주형미
A corpus-based gradation of English affixes: With reference to Elementary School English textbooks
Hyunoo Lee ; Hyung Mi Joo
(1st author) Professor, Inha University, Tel: 032-860-7851
(corresponding author) Senior Researcher, Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation, Tel: 042-931-0487

© 2021 KASELL All rights reserved
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


We are concerned with the question of how to define a lexical unit for the purposes of basic word lists. The basic vocabulary list of the 2015 Revised National Curriculum of English took word families as lexical units literally, so that a headword and all of its inflectional and derivative forms count as one single word in the list. This approach is, however, not attainable simply because learners of English as a foreign language usually know only a (very) limited number of members of a word family. Given that vocabulary size, depth (in particular, knowledge of word derivation) and fluency are interrelated, the ideal lexical unit should be a word family that allows a much more restricted set of derivatives than proposed in Bauer and Nation (1993). As a first step to make the basic vocabulary list incorporating this idea, we investigated the use of derivational forms in five Elementary English textbooks that are currently used, and found that five suffixes -er, -y, -ful, -th and -an should be the most important ones to consider for EFL learners at Korea elementary schools. We concluded the work with some implications of the findings.


2015 Revised National Curriculum of English, basic vocabulary list, derivational affix, Elementary School English textbook, coefficient of usage, gradation of affixes


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