그림책 활용 지속가능발전교육을 위한 초등영어수업의 개발 및 적용 효과
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This study aimed to develop an elementary English lesson model using English picture books for education for sustainable development (ESD). It also investigated how students of varying levels of English communication abilities, attitudes toward the lessons, and perceptions of ESD were affected when this model was applied in an English classroom. The participants were twenty-four fourth graders taught by the teacher-researcher for 9 hours over 9 weeks. The data includes pre- and post-English tests, pre- and post-surveys about affective aspects and perceptions of ESD, student interviews, student surveys about each lesson, and teacher logs. The data were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The findings are as follows: First, picture books were selected based on the Revised National Curriculum, expert evaluations, and related references, and then the English lesson model for ESD was developed. Second, the application of the model elevated the students’ overall English communication abilities, affective aspects, and perceptions of ESD. Third, student perceptions of cultural, economic, and environmental ESD were positively enhanced. It concluded that more elementary English lessons for ESD should be developed and taught. Further important implications regarding ESD in elementary English were discussed.
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), English picture book, elementary English learners, theme-based learningAcknowledgments
This paper is based on the first author’s master’s thesis.
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