텍스트마이닝을 활용한 초등학생의 영어 낭독극에 대한 인식 분석
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The present study investigates the perspectives of primary EFL learners following their engagement in reader’s theater activities. It utilizes text mining and Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) topic modeling analysis to analyze learning logs written by the students. A total of 196 Korean elementary school students participated in this year-long study. The students participated in six reader’s theater topics, each consisting of several practice periods. The scripts were two pages long of movie scripts. The researchers categorized the data using word frequency, network analysis, bigram analysis, and LDA analysis. The findings revealed three main topics: practice and changes, peer recognition, and realistic expression. The study discusses how students perceive the importance of iterating accurate pronunciation, reading challenging vocabulary, and expressing nonverbal cues. It also highlights the pedagogical benefits of reader’s theater, providing indirect exposure to various conversation contexts. Furthermore, it underscores the reflective effects of learning logs on fostering self-directed learning attitudes.
text mining, topic modeling, LDA, learning journal, learning log, reader’s theater, EFLReferences
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