국내 모바일 기반 영어교육 연구 동향분석: 텍스트마이닝을 활용하여
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The study investigates the Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL) trend in Korea's English education through big data analysis of KCI-indexed article abstracts. It notes a significant rise in MALL studies beginning in 2008, coinciding with widespread smartphone use. The study reveals varied methodologies with a focus on vocabulary enhancement via apps among university students, highlighted by keywords like ‘students,’ ‘learning,’ and ‘vocabulary.’ Contrary to previous beliefs that MALL predominantly benefits productive language skills, this study finds a significant emphasis on vocabulary, challenging the efficacy of MALL in enhancing receptive versus productive skills. Finally, the study advocates for targeted exploration of MALL technologies and methods, stressing the need for English educators to continually update their strategies to match the evolving tech and educational landscapes, ensuring MALL's ongoing relevance and effectiveness in language education.
Mobile-Assisted Language Learning, English education, research trends, big data analysis, text mining, semantic network analysisAcknowledgments
본 논문은 육군사관학교 화랑대연구소의 2023년도 연구활동비 지원을 받아 연구되었습니다. (연구번호: 2023B1025)
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