영어로 매개된 기초 영어학 강좌를 통한 비판적 문식성 신장 방안: ‘거꾸로 학습’적 접근
Ahn, S.-H. Gyemyong. 2018. Fostering critical literacy through an English-mediated introductory English linguistics course: A ‘flipped learning’ approach. Korean Journal of English Language and Linguistics 18-1, 119-156. This action research explores ways of improving college freshmen’s critical English literacy through an English-mediated introductory English linguistics course at a college of education. The researcher/instructor has designed the course under a flipped learning approach in that he provided two video clips and two accompanying PPT files for each of the twelve topics and asked the 35 student participants to critically preview them along with relevant chapters from the textbook, and to prepare materials for group discussions and later exercise solutions for class presentation. The instructor at every chance encouraged them to think critically through lectures and discussion sessions. An analysis of the student responses and products shows that the flipped design has worked, that most of the participants became better critical thinkers, and that most of them came to have a higher level of English literacy. On the basis of these results, this research has concluded that the flipped learning approach to the introductory course on English linguistics has engendered a working course model for enhancing “critical English literacy.” It has also shown that there is a significant room for improvement: First, a long-term meta-curriculum needs to be developed to systematically develop critical English literacy in various facets of critical thinking. Second, a genre analysis should be undertaken to prepare contents for teaching academic English literacy more systematically.
critical thinking, critical (English) literacy, English linguistics, action research, flipped learningAcknowledgments
이 논문은 이 논문은 2015년 대한민국 교육부와 한국연구재단의 지원을 받아 수행된 연구임 (NRF-2015S1A5A2A01009652). 부분적으로 한국응용언어학회 2015 국제학술대회(9/15, 중앙대학교), 2016 한국영어교육학회 전문분과학술대회(1/9, 한남대학교), 한국영어학회 2016 봄 정기학술대회(5/28, 서울대학교)에서 발표되었다. 참석 학자들의 논평에 감사를 드린다. 그리고 본 수업 준비 및 자료 정리에 도움을 준 김신일, 김윤희, 문아영, 박인혜, 최혜원, 황선아 씨에게, 익명의《영어학》심사자 세 분께 감사를 드린다. 그러나 잠재적인 오류는 모두 저자의 책임임을 밝힌다.
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