코메트릭스를 활용한 한국 대학생들의 영어 논설문과 설명문 요약문 비교 분석
This study aims to investigate to what extent Korean EFL learners’ summary writings of the English argumentative and expository texts are different in terms of lexical, semantic, syntactic, discourse features and readability levels. The participants were 26 Korean college students majoring in English language education in a university located in Seoul. Their summary writings of English argumentative and expository texts were collected and analyzed using a computational assessment tool, Coh-Metrix. Besides, the results of Coh-Metrix analysis were compared using ANOVA. The results indicate that the participants’ summary writings in the two different text types were statistically different in terms of their lexical, semantic, syntactic, discourse features and the readability levels. In particular, the participants used more words, longer sentences, more low-frequency and concrete words and adjectives in their argumentative summary. In contrast, the participants used more nouns and verbs in their expository summary. For syntactic and discourse features, more additional conjunctions, syntactic complexity and more co-referential cohesion were shown in their argumentative summary. This study provides some pedagogical implications for teaching Korean EFL learners’ summary writings of different English text types and raising text-specific linguistic features.
Coh-Metrix, English summary writing, argumentative text, expository text, linguistic feature, computational linguisticsAcknowledgments
이 논문은 2018년도 건국대학교 KU학술연구비 지원에 의한 논문임.
건국대학교 KU학술연구비는 교신저자와 무관함.
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