한국 대학생의 영작문 피드백 활동에 관한 인식: 자기검토 및 동료 피드백과 컴퓨터 피드백
Copyright 2020 KASELL
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This paper aims to explore second language (L2) writing feedback, as a crucial part of L2 writing pedagogy, from an L2 learners perspective in depth. The present study investigated Korean university students’ perceptions of different feedback activities on their English composition. Twenty-five Korean university students enrolled in an English course performed three types of feedback activities: self-review, peer review, and using computer feedback from Grammarly, the online grammar checker. After a series of feedback activities on their first draft written in English, students revised their first draft and then participated in an online survey that asked students’ perceptions of each feedback activity and comparison between feedback activities. The survey results showed students’ specific perceptions including appreciation of and preference for each activity for its value and advantages along with difficulties and limitations. The research findings suggest pedagogical implications and further research on L2 English writing feedback activities for Korean university students.
L2 writing feedback, English composition, self-review, peer feedback, computer feedback, Grammarly, learner perception, Korean university studentReferences
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민주영(Min, Ju Young), 교수(Professor)호서대학교(Hoseo University)충청남도 아산시 배방읍 호서로 79번길 20(20, Hoseo-ro 79, Baebang-eup, Asan-si, Chungcheongnam-do)Tel: 041-540-9730E-mail: