초등영어 예비교사의 전문성 신장을 위한 교사교육 모형 개발 및 적용
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This study aims to develop a teacher education model for pre-service elementary English teachers. It also investigates how they developed as English teachers and how their conceptualization of English teachers changed when the model was applied in a teacher education course. The participants were 16 undergraduate students who registered in a course on elementary English teacher education. The data included pre- and post-survey responses, English lesson observation notes, book report, report on English teacher interviews, pre-service English teacher portfolios, and field notes. The data were qualitatively analyzed using content analysis. The results were as follows: First, the pre-service teacher education model was organized into three stages: (1) the English teaching and learning experiences and English lesson observation, (2) the acquisition of theoretical and practical knowledge on English education, and (3) the teacher’s reflection and growth. Second, the participants underwent cognitive (teacher knowledge and beliefs), affective (teacher motivation and confidence), and metacognitive (teacher reflection and plan) development. Third, the participants’ conceptualization of English teachers has changed into that of teachers who learn continuously, collaborate willingly, and research reflectively. It was suggested that effective pre-service teacher education programs for promoting teachers’ professional development should be developed and implemented. Further important implications regarding pre-service teacher education and teacher development were discussed.
elementary English teachers, teachers’ professional development, teacher education model, pre-service teacher education, second language teacher educationAcknowledgments
This work was supported by the 2020 Research Fund of Seoul National University of Education.
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