The Korean Association for the Study of English Language and Linguistics
[ Article ]
Korea Journal of English Language and Linguistics - Vol. 22, No. 0, pp.1327-1350
ISSN: 1598-1398 (Print) 2586-7474 (Online)
Print publication date 31 Jan 2022
Received 22 Aug 2022 Revised 05 Nov 2022 Accepted 30 Nov 2022

글로벌 기업 맥락에서 영어 말하기 시험 준비 진단 개발: 디자인 씽킹 설계 적용

Developing diagnostic assessment of English speaking test preparation in a global corporation context: Application of design-thinking process
Nahee Kim
Assistant Professor College of Liberal Arts Yong In Univ.

© 2022 KASELL All rights reserved
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


This study aims to develop a diagnostic assessment of OPIc test preparation in a global corporation context from test takers’ perspectives using the concept of employee-test-taker identity (Kim 2019), guidelines for OPIc test takers (ACTFL 2020, OPIc 2020) and assessment of narrative identity (Kim 2020). Following design thinking procedures (Kim 2019), collected data were interviews with test takers, observation, documentation, field notes and research journal in workplace settings. The results indicated that this test - preparation assessment tool consisted of three sections: test value-oriented, test preparation-practised and English speaking-performed. Each was developed to assess test takers’ understanding of test knowledge, their study methods in test preparation, and their actual speaking proficiency. The findings have implications for future research into revising assessment procedures and operating in various language assessment contexts including global corporations and universities.


OPIc preparation, test taker identity, global corporation, speaking test, design thinking


This work was supported by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea and the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2019S1A5B5A07111870).


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